Fake News, U-turn and election

>> Monday, April 30, 2018

This year a fake news law had  been passed and approved and anybody making and distributing  fake news through social medias can be charged and imprisoned. Fake new is a  'fitnah'. A doctored picture by Tian Chua of  Najib Tun Razak  with Altantuya  was  a fake picture. Sometimes  people want  to believe what they want to believe,   hear  what they  want to hear and see what they want to see. If you present them a truth with videos, logic and  proof   they still call you a liar.

A  weapon of mass destruction in Iraq was  a fake news and big 'fitnah'.  The outcome was almost more than 100,000 innocent Iraqi died during the US attack and invasion  in 2003. Middle east countries  are  not in peace  until today.  ISIS and Daesh were born and now they cause more  'fitnah' to the world and Islam particularly.

Some  of  leaders in Malaysia  recently  before this upcoming general election  have made u-turn  that you have never seen before.  For many years and even decades  they were  condemning and cursing the other leaders,  and the next day they are embracing  one another   and called them their savior that can save Malaysia.  This   is mind-boggling  like a  poorly doctored  picture by Tian Chua.  It is like you click on  a website that say a  decent thing but when you click on  it you  just visited  a porn website. It mislead you into clicking the website. What you hear and see is not the real deal.

Paul the Apostle  also made   u-turn too. He was  a Jewish and  also of a roman citizen. He never met Jesus (pbuh) and he was  not one of the 12 disciples  or main followers of Jesus (pbuh) during his lifetime. He was most noted for his hatred for Jesus followers. He turned around from prosecuting Jesus followers  to preaching Jesus(pbuh).

Al-Quran has some  beautiful verses about  fake news and that we should always seek  truth  and knowledge.

O you who have believe if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become,  over what you have done, regretful . (Al Hujurat 49:6)

Do not pursue  of which  that you have no  knowledge. Indeed the hearing, the sight and the heart  about all those (one) will be questioned (on the day of Reckoning)  (Al Isra  17: 36)


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