Highland Games, Scotland and Film Camera versus Digital Camera

>> Thursday, February 3, 2011

I went to Highland Games  around August 1996. I hardly remember where it was held until I logged into internet  to check  about it. Forgive me, age is catching up with me, place and time are things that I have  always forgotten especially writing and talking about things that happened more than a decade ago. I did not write  a travel log or diary back then when I was traveling or visiting places. It was not my habit.  So it is hard for me to remember. This is one of the reasons for me to create this blog, for me to keep records  of the photos that I have taken and share with others.

All the photos that  I have posted  in this blog so far are only  small numbers or only 2% and  without any of  my pictures.The rest  of my collection, I would say 90%  are  my pictures. Believe me I had my pictures taken at  streets sign,  with statues and buildings  you  named it,  Eiffel Tower, World Trade Center, etc in the background. Anything  that caught my eyes and interest and of course with   my picture in it. It is common for   visitors including me when visiting  new place and building for the first time to have our picture  taken   to show to  friends and relative   to proof that we  have been there and  keep as  photo collection . But now I hardly like to have my picture taken or  show my pictures. So, I  prefer to share this  travel log with photos  without my pictures.

Time  changes things. A decade a go there were no digital camera and memory card. That was  the good old days of films and  film cameras seem to have become a thing of a past. Now  many people prefer digital cameras to film cameras. It is much easier to use  and lower prices. When I went traveling back then or on study trip, I would used like 7 to 8 rolls of film of 24 or 36 exposures for my Yashica 50mm SLR  manual camera. I practically counting how many  I want to spent and  use to take pictures of buildings or places, picture of myself, for projects etc. But if digital camera had been invented  back then, I  would   have probably taken lots and lots  of them. My finger would not stop from pressing  button. Believe me. And one thing about digital camera, you can  see the picture  on the spot and you can always choose which pictures that you like to print. You can always snap another picture if you do not like the picture that you just took.  Unlike film camera, you only develop the films when you got home to see the pictures, few days or  weeks after the trip. I always felt excited on the trip back from photo shop after sending films there to develop.

I felt so happy when the pictures turned  good and nice, but some were not. If not,  I blamed it on the weather and film. I sometimes used the film that the photo  shop  give away  free when you develop film there. Some could be out of date and the as a result the photo prints quality were not good.. Sometimes I blamed  my friend for taking bad pictures of me. One important advice and tip, when you go backpacking and traveling with friends or a company, find someone who love taking photos or like photography or you ended  up with  picture of you with the object or building in the background half or not centered . You could  have a bad day  on  the way back from the photo shop. Another important note, if you use digital camera, make sure you make a hard copy prints of your photos and   make a back up copy of your picture files or  you ended just having visual images at  the back of you brain if you files got corrupted and infected by viruses. After all is said and done, film cameras still have many benefits. The main benefit is photo quality.  Digital camera is still far behind film camera when it comes to definition.

Back to Highland Games. They  are held in many places in  Scotland throughout every year to celebrate Scottish and celtic culture and heritage.I visited the highland Games  at Hazel Head, Aberdeen Scotland, in August 1996.  Traditional  athletic and sports competiton are the centre of the events such as  throwing the hammer,  tossing the caber, weight throw and also  light events such as highland dancing and solo piping . I wish I had taken more photos to share but if you interested to know more,  visit here,  Highland Games for more photos and information.

p/s I have  problem with my printer and could not scan the photos, I want to get  it fix or buy a new one by  next week, insyallah.

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